Superimposition of homologous protein structures#

This script superimposes the structure of a streptavidin monomer into an avidin monomer. The visualization was conducted with PyMOL.

  • Green: Avidin

  • Orange: Strepatvidin

homolog superimposition
# Code source: Patrick Kunzmann
# License: BSD 3 clause

import biotite.database.rcsb as rcsb
import biotite.structure as struc
import as pdbx

def _extract_monomer(complex):
    complex = complex[struc.filter_amino_acids(complex)]
    # Get the monomer that belongs to the first atom in the structure
    return complex[struc.get_chain_masks(complex, [0])[0]]

avidin_file ="1vyo", "bcif"))
avidin = _extract_monomer(pdbx.get_structure(avidin_file, model=1, include_bonds=True))
streptavidin_file ="6j6j", "bcif"))
streptavidin = _extract_monomer(
    pdbx.get_structure(streptavidin_file, model=1, include_bonds=True)

streptavidin, _, _, _ = struc.superimpose_homologs(avidin, streptavidin)
# Visualization with PyMOL...

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