.. This source code is part of the Biotite package and is distributed under the 3-Clause BSD License. Please see 'LICENSE.rst' for further information. Installation ============ Requirements ------------ *Biotite* requires a modern *Python* installation (at least the last two years are supported) and the following packages: - ``numpy`` - ``requests`` - ``msgpack`` - ``networkx`` Installation of the ``biotite`` package will also automatically install these dependencies if not already present. Some functionalities require extra packages: - ``matplotlib`` - Required for plotting purposes. Installation from PyPI ---------------------- *Biotite* is available as *wheels* for a variety of platforms (Windows, Linux, OS X). Simply type .. code-block:: console $ pip install biotite If *pip* finds an appropriate *wheel* for your system configuration on *PyPI*, it will download and install it. If no fitting *wheel* is found, *pip* will fall back to the source distribution. In this case, installation will take longer, because extension modules need to be compiled first. Note that this requires a C-compiler (typically GCC) installed on your system. Installation via Conda ---------------------- *Biotite* is also available via Conda. .. code-block:: console $ conda install -c conda-forge biotite Installation from source ------------------------ You can also install Biotite from the `project repository `_. After cloning the repository, navigate to its top-level directory (the one ``setup.py`` is in) and type the following: .. code-block:: console $ pip install . Having the *Biotite* installation always pointing to your repository clone is also possible. Type the following in the top-level directory: .. code-block:: console $ pip install -e . Updating the Chemical Component Dictionary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :mod:`biotite.structure.info` subpackage contains a subset from the `PDB Chemical Component Dictionary (CCD) `_. The repository ships a potentially outdated version of this subset. To update this subset to the current upstream CCD version, run .. code-block:: console $ python setup_ccd.py Afterwards, install *Biotite* again. Common issues and solutions --------------------------- Compiler error when building Biotite ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There is a known problem with *GCC* compiler errors in some *Linux* distributions (e.g. *Arch Linux*) when building *Biotite* from source. Among other error lines the central error is the following: .. code-block:: unable to initialize decompress status for section .debug_info While the exact reason for this error is still unknown, this can be fixed by using a *GCC* installed via *Conda*: .. code-block:: console $ conda install -c conda-forge c-compiler ValueError when importing Biotite ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When importing one of *Biotite*'s subpackages one of the following errors might occur: .. code-block:: ValueError: numpy.ufunc size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. ValueError: numpy.ndarray size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. The reason for this error is, that *Biotite* was built against a *NumPy* version other than the one installed. This happens for example when *NumPy* is updated, but *Biotite* is already installed. Try updating *NumPy* and *Biotite* to solve this issue.